About Me
My name is Vicki and I live in Stoke-On-Trent. I started knitted during the Covid-19 pandemic as something to keep me busy. I got very frustrated when I was learning - often getting so wound up I would make myself cry because people on the internet make it look so easy! Luckily for me, I have a good supportive household - a husband who is yet to criticise any project and a daughter who constantly adds to the project list. My step son however, well, I'm not sure he knows that I knit or crochet despite seeing me do it many times.
I describe myself as the Imperfect Knitter because I would say that I am not very good at knitting or crocheting. By now, I should be able to do multiple techniques but I simply cannot wrap my head around them. That's why I created this blog, surely I'm not on my own, right?
I've learned to perfect the simple projects whilst avoiding the bigger more complicating ones. If you are looking for flawless work then this probably isn't best place to be. I'm an experienced beginner 😕
Take a look through my posts, hopefully you will find inspiration. If not, thanks for looking anyway!
Vicki x